Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei #11 — Amazing Detective Zetsubou

March 15th, 2008


95% less amazing than you’d expect


Most of this episode (to the tune of about 15 minutes) was wrapped up in a pretty droll detective parody. It was like watching the show on ritalin honestly. Everything was so downplayed and… well… boring. There were a couple moments where it (and I) perked up, but for the most part, I’d rather just forget that it existed entirely. The "Zetsubou shita" part there wasn’t even anything witty either. The rather short second part was about Tanabata, and hanging wishes up. It wasn’t terribly interesting either, but compared to the first part, it was manna from the heavens. Everybody did their usual things, Chiri had a gigantic wishlist, Meru hung up a cell phone, whose-her-face’s wish was completely plain, etc. All in all, this felt like a very mailed in episode. About the only particularly noteworthy thing was Kaede’s hemline.

Oh right, there was a new OP this week, but it was essentially just background music over text to fit in with the detective style parody. Trust me, it’s up there with watching paint dry in terms of amusement value. I’m not going to be ripping that.

Posted in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Ronin8317 says:

    Just watched the Chinese fan sub – the detective part is a parody of old Japanese films from the 60s. If you haven’t watched it, then you won’t get the jokes.