Sunday Delays

March 2nd, 2008

Ninjas – Pants Optional

I’m spending the afternoon/evening fighting off evil ninja demons in the hopes of not becoming a sex crazed possessed monster or possibly visiting friends who are in town unexpectedly. In either case (one is more likely than the other), Okawari and Rental Magica are going to be delayed until probably late evening at the very earliest. Don’t worry, I’ll talk more about BBH in a day or two… and I’ve got another trick up my sleeve that has very nearly reached presentability.

Posted in Games | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • totali says:

    Ninja’s work….so busy!

  • Sheba says:

    Stealth seems to be an option too.

  • SOSAnimeBoy says:

    What ARE those pictures from?


  • Haesslich says:

    Um… I broke Jason.

    Check out Okawari 9. You’ll see why he broke.

    And the preview for 10? Everyone’s broken.

  • serenade_beta says:

    “What ARE those pictures from?”

    Choukou Sennin Haruka <–Eroge, by the way

    From the CGs, plenty of monster/tentacle/etc. H-scenes…

  • Hemisphere says:

    So who’d you go for? Apparently Narika and Haruka can’t just resist Takamaru’s charms, and I’m now in their true routes.

    BTW, Minazuki purification with tentacles is LOL.

  • Shadow says:

    Sure are kunoichis vs monsters, tentacles is typical in japan.