Minami-ke Okawari #12 — Oh God, A Fuyuki Episode
March 23rd, 2008
Fuyuki plus terrible animation… wonderful.
Chiaki checks into the nurse’s… and she’s running a massive temperature… no… the nurse is holding the thermometer upside down. Then Makoto stops in for some prescription placebo. At home, Fuyuki and Chiaki tersely exchange greetings. A couple days continue on in their relatively normal fashion. Chiaki and Fuyuki keep having brief talks at their doors.
Thankfully, the second part of the episode was about the elementary school athletic fair. I’m just happy that there wasn’t a cavalry battle. Nobody will ever live up to the gold standard that School Rumble and Dai Mahou Touge set for cavalry battles and I’d rather not see them try. It was kind of cute that Chiaki grabbed Fujioka as a ‘father’ for the school festival. It was also a little scary seeing Makoto dressed up like a maid with lipstick on. Hosaka was also lurking in the background making noodles, but not doing anything entertaining.
Blah blah blah, eventually Fuyuki gets dragged off by some old man and Touma drops the ‘bomb’ that Fuyuki is transferring away. Chiaki goes home that day, and the name is already removed from his apartment. Good riddance, you irritating brat. Then at the end of the episode, Kana finds out that Haruka is… DOT DOT DOT.
Wow, the animation and art was absolutely abysmal this episode. The thermometer literally floated below the nurse’s hand into Chiaki’s. Then we had the lighting issues. One moment the nurse’s office was brightly animated and then the next, everything was shadowed. I’m not even certain what was happening while Kana was giving her ‘be athletic’ speech. She looked like she was having a seizure. When Fuyuki called Touma ‘kun’, she also looked like her face was about to explode.
So, Fuyuki… you hung around for awhile… irritated me… and then left. What was the point of you, you joyless stick in the mud? I guess they finally got around to reviving the one plot development over the entire 26 episodes… though why they would have introduced it a month earlier, completely ignored it, and then tried to bring it back like this was some kind of plot driven show is absolutely beyond me. Meh, this episode was pretty poor and even the humorous parts were marred by the absolutely dreadful animation. I think the artists got into the booze a week early.
Posted in Minami-ke | 10 Comments »
Mako-chan went to school as Mako-chan? Even with Fuyuki having shown up at all, this episode tops the last one easily. He truly IS broken.
Now, they’re following up the drama thread… alas. :P This show works better as a straight comedy – which means the whole ‘ohnoes! Haruka-neesama is going away’ thing doesn’t work too well.
But between the way the school doctor was putting the thermometer the wrong place and Fuyuki leaving, plus Mako-chan…