Snow Angels

December 23rd, 2007

Oh the weather outside is frightful…

 If you’re reading this, then I’m on a transcontinental flight from ‘lovely’ icy Connecticut to ‘lovely’ rainy Oregon. Alright, so my plane doesn’t leave until 5:30 and BDL has free wireless… I’m probably at least packing at any rate. It has snowed a little bit here, but I used to live near the Finger Lakes… snow doesn’t count as heavy until it’s up to your shoulder.

Have some skibunnies, snow angels, ice nymphs, and assorted other ladies of winter to keep you occupied until I get in and can deal with Prism Ark and possibly Rental Magica. Don’t spend them all in one place.


Posted in Fanservice | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • longhaul says:

    oh nice, havent seen a peice of world of narue art for a while

  • kiryuu says:

    excellent finds ^^