Ultimate Survivor Kaiji #09 — Naked Man Wrasslin’

November 27th, 2007


Careful, Kaiji’s a biter.


I’m kind of disappointed in how Kaiji worked his way out of this one. It just seems so contrite. Basically, somebody else had a similar plan and had pocketted collateral (a pair of rings) to make sure that his buddies wouldn’t betray him. He explained this whole plan to Kaiji, who then attacked the guy, stole the rings and substituted himself for the other guy to get himself at least pulled out of purgatory and back on the floor. He then confronted Ando and Furuhata, took back his money and then used their extra stars (well, his stars) to set free the pathetic guy he bonded with while in the holding cell. Then, in anger against the crappiness of humanity, he took out his aggressions on one of the game tables while the EVIL HOSTS laughed.

I guess it does show some creativity and initiative, but the moment the douchebag revealed his plan, complete in “I am the biggest jerk ever” mode, it became pretty obvious how Kaiji was going to make his way out. Still, it was a nice little triumph over an obvious villain followed by some karmic retribution for Ando and Furuhata. You’d think that those two wouldn’t have just caved in immediately for no real reason, but I guess that they are completely spineless little punks. I did find it fitting that Ando got the knee to the gut while Kaiji just slapped Furuhata. Now that I think about it, there really was a lot of man on man action this episode… and all too much of it naked. At least whose-his-face that Kaiji rescued didn’t kiss him out of gratitude. I think I’d be warming up the eye bleach if that had happened.

Posted in Anime | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • AGear_to_Ax says:

    It’s really too bad and/or boring Evil Yue Horie that a show of naked men replaced her in this blog? Maybe this is tha explanation a was looking for the reason there’s no fansub subbing it, at least as I know…

  • Aroduc says:

    Don’t worry, if Hot Horie Yui shows up, I’ll let you know. I’m still broadly paying attention to Labyrinth, but the raws for it tend to appear rather late at night instead of when I usually settle down to watch stuff for the day. Granted, I don’t think I have any clue at all about the intricacies of Labyrinth anymore, but pfft… who needs a plot when you’ve got sexy assassin Horie Yui?

  • AGear_to_Ax says:

    Those are wise word, I agree with you Aroduc, Hot assassin Horie Yui is enough for me, even if the plot is bad, I have only eyes for sexy assassin Horie Yui.

  • Sid says:

    The point about this episode is that Kaiji COULD have easily lost and been taken to location X.

    This author has done this plenty of times.

    You may have felt you could ‘predict’ how Kaiji was going to win because you somehow expected him to win. This is not how this show (or rather, author, works)