Rental Magica #08 — Obligatory Hot Springs Episode

November 25th, 2007


I honestly thought Rental Magica was better than this…


Obligatory hot springs episode. In fact, painfully generic hot springs episode. It was made all the creepier by Nekoyashiki wanting to go bathe with the girls (with the battle music playing no less) and Itsuki smelling Honami. Yeah, so, 20 minutes later, it was ‘revealed’ that he wanted to bathe with his cats… then why was he trying to go into the girl’s locker room? After the opening fanservice… there was pretty much more of the same. Addie managed to attack a water pipe, Honami dug up buried treasure, and then Mikan accidently sparked the two into running around like idiots (also had the battle music) and fighting eachother until they all ended up falling into a hole with the rock they were looking for in the first place. Then, lo and behold, teamwork was required to drag the stupid thing out. Like all hot spring episodes, it of course ended with the walls between the male and female sides dropping. At least the girls were to blame for it.

This episode was pretty much 100% comic. Absolutely nothing progressed in terms of plot, except Addie working more with Astral.  The only real danger to anybody was from Addie and Honami’s collaterol damage when they attempted to attack each other. Other people may enjoy this more, but such a drastic switch in tone and presentation of the show made things feel… awkward to say the least. Rental Magica is not built as a comedy and really should not try to be one. Even the fanservice was pretty lame, unless you consider shots of bare backs to be racy. Meh. I don’t think even the complete removal of the steam could have increased my interest here though. I ordered the “magical action deluxe.” Why’d I end up with the “magical mcnugget comedy kid’s meal?”

Posted in Rental Magica | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • cangri23 says:

    Let’s look at the bright side for this, at least the got the onsen ep out of the way early on so as not to disrupt the flow later on. And Addy blushing has to be one of the better scenes.

  • AnimaticallyInsane says:

    i thought it was a good change from all the serious episode they were airing so i found it pretty reasonable

  • Sawari says:

    I 3rd this notion.

  • Mike says:

    I enjoy the Honami and Addie catfights. Pure comedy. I haven’t been this entertained since the Ryoko / Ayeka scenes in the Tenchi ova’s.

  • Kabitzin says:

    Nekoyashiki was awesome! Why did Addy have to use a blunt shovel to draw that complicated rune though? Girl has serious skills, just like oekaki artists.