Magical Battle Arena First Video

October 31st, 2007


I was dimly aware that Magical Battle Arena existed, in much the same way that Canadian moose are dimly aware of Drew Barrymore. About a week ago though, they posted the first video of it in action. Fate, Nanoha and Sakura are fine and all, but Lina? She’s my gal already. Two characters remain unknown for it, though one is either of the elf-ear (Caster or Etna?) or big hat (Marisa?) variety. God only knows for the 6th character. She has hair. That’s all I’ll commit to. Looks good so far. Hopefully they’ll have a trial version by Winter Comiket.

Posted in Doujin | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • meganeshounen says:

    Looks nice. Nanoha’s actions still looks blocky, but it’s a good start.

    I’m betting that the secret character is Etna…

  • bakaohki says:

    Wow. I might actually have to try to make it work on my PC… mixing the old and the new always draws me in.

    So how long a stun would Lina have to land on someone to have enough time to launch a Dragon Slave?

  • sage says:

    Lina Inverse? FUCK YEAH!

  • FlareKnight says:

    Damn having lina to blast the heck out of everything is great. The others would be completely owned. Dragon Slave, Ragna blade, Giga slave, see you city :).

  • Frankenstein's Clare says:

    Fate, Nanoha, and Lina in one game.

    50/50 I’m dreaming and late for work.

  • bakaohki says:

    Then if you don’t want to have to wait for your spells, you have your near-instant card activations from Sakura. Just how much of that deck will she be able to use in battle?

  • Stalker says:

    Could someone upload the prepatches version of the game i cant seem to patch it.