Soul Nomad Followup — Random Name Self-Pimpage
September 27th, 2007
Movie and text unrelated. ^^;
Try generating a male’s name name enough times and you’ll see Aroduc come up. Also of note are Big Des, Drez, and Pata in the male names, Zen Vulgarity and Space Drake in the monsters, Elendil and Kita in the females, all Penny Arcade forum regulars, plus a few other names of note such as Forever 17, Mr. Anderson, and Phoenix (main script editor… and a hotshot lawyer) and that’s all I’ve found so far. It pays to suck up to N-1.
Posted in Games | 2 Comments »
Wow!!! it seems to be a great Game and Aroduc love it a lot… that remember me Battle Moon Wars in some way. And that Gig…