Battle Moon Wars Act III: The Newbies

May 12th, 2007

Cops and vampires and magical girls… oh my!

Again, this is all Super path at the moment, though I haven’t actually hit anything that would indicate a split.

Sion’s the first of the newbies that you pick up, and strangely, she’s got HP to burn and a decent, if somewhat unimpressive defense. Unfortunately, she splits somewhere in the middle ground. Decent dodge, decent defense, but not enough of either to be tank or dodge. She also sucks up the ol’ SP since she lacks a good complimenting Focus skill and instead just has Strike and Alert along with the ever-worthless Observation, though she gets Valor within a level or two. Still, she’s a good complimentary unit, especially with the range of her two Post-Attacks (3-4 and 4-5 respectively) and she starts with a couple really nice skills, especially the 5 (!) levels in Counter. Basically she’s a cleanup and grunt specialist, and once she’s got Valor, she can stand with the big boys for boss takedowns.

PS, don’t piss off White Len.

Shiki is a total glass cannon.  She hits pretty hard, but (so far) only has a 1-2 attack and doesn’t have the defense to take it in return. She does have Spirit, which would be nice if she wasn’t forced to use Strike and Alert every round in order to have a chance to survive. Whatever her second attack is that gets shown in the promo vid… she needs it… and badly. 

Touko is pretty nice. Artillery with a decent 6-7 P-Attack and Snipe to support herself. The catch? Her movement is 3 squares. Get some shoes on her NOW. If she can keep up, she’ll be pegging guys from across the screen.

To the surprise of nobody, Sacchin is a tank, through and through. All her skills are based around not taking damage, and while her abilities are all extremely expensive, she does put together a pretty nice array for basically any situation with Guts, Accel, Strike and Alert. Her jump is tiny though, which usually doesn’t matter… except that it means she can’t get to the boss of the first stage she’s in, oddly enough.

Pissing off Kouma is also probably not a good idea. 

A couple closing notes for now… I do hope you were like me and upgraded your Tohno Shiki… ’cause you’ll be getting a lot of use out of him in the early going. And it’s really silly to see Shiki training Tohno in how to fight given that mine could whip her ass without even trying. I’m happy having a new attack for my premier Real Typer though.

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