Charlotte #13 — MONTAGE!!!
September 26th, 2015
What better way to end a show than a twenty minute montage?
Season preview's done… except for the random sprites, which is apparently the only part people read. It should be up tomorrow. Probably. Thank god this season's over at any rate. Way to compete with Spring in terribleness, guys.
So this is how it ends. Not with a bang or a whimper, but with a twenty minute montage. Where he globe hops apparently around the world, revealing his powers to apparently every single person that gets within fifty feet of him and somehow continues merrily, yet still makes it back apparently before anybody has aged even a day. All so they can have a sappy little reunion, BECOMING HIS OLD SELF AGAIN, and "I'm home" bit. Good to know that one of my sarcastic guess last week about what they could possibly do with this episode was 100% on the money. A fitting and anticlimactic end for this mess.
Final Thoughts:
A mess of nonsense and rebootings. I originally liked that the protagonist had some kind of personality, abrasive as it was, but that was written out almost immediately. Then they introduced a number of random ridiculously excessive melodramatic elements, some forgotten as quickly as they were introduced (Nao's bullies), and some eventually reset by literally a goddamned magic plot reset button. It also jettisoned everything around a month from the end and tried to be an entirely new, entirely different kind of show. Granted, the power of the week stuff that it was for the first half wasn't particularly good either, but pretty much every single character from it simply exited stage right to make way for a new set who had to spend their entire time bringing everyone up to date and explaining both things that never needed to be explained. And they don't even do that well, as plot holes and plans that make no sense whatsoever hang over the show for its entire run, even despite a few very, very weak attempts to handwave a few of them away.
The humor's weak and the melodrama is so overwrought that most of the time it's a better joke than the actual jokes. The characters barely interact with each other except to give exposition, and when they do interact on a deeper level than that, it's always to an orchestra descending from on high and being transported to the drama dimension. It's excessively manipulative predicated on nothing; all smoke and mirrors with no substance behind it. Oh, and there was also the episode that existed solely to shill CDs.
Nothing promised by the first episode ever came to be. The personality was immediately stripped from the protagonist, it fell back to the same bland situations and cliches this writer loves to jam in all the time, and the further it went, the clearer it became that they never had any clear idea what they were doing with the story, setting, or characters. Summary paragraph complete. Aroduc away.
Posted in Charlotte | 11 Comments »
Is amusing how the Rewrite anime announcement basically overshadows the ending by being more memorable.