Cross Ange #09 — The Betrayal Polka
November 29th, 2014
Everybody’s a traitor!
Wait, so… Hilda broke into some store without setting off an alarm, but then threw a chair out the window on her way out before making her escape? What was stopping her from just using the door? This… bothers me more than it probably should. Then again, it keeps me from thinking too much about her awful side of things this week. Maybe it was just how ridiculously apple pie The excessive melodrama that is this show’s bread and butter got just a bit too badly written, even for this show. I think it was the point where she saw her mother, called her “Mom,” and then her mom went, “Oh, you must be one of my 10 year old daughter’s friends.” The well was poisoned at that point, and instead of going with the perhaps more subdued “I’ve moved on in the last decade,” approach, they decided to go with the kind of thing you’d expect from a corny horror film or soap opera. A younger sister that she named Hilda too in order to rewrite the monster out of her life. All that was missing was one of them being locked in an attic. And then the pie she loved was thrown at her! I did enjoy the postscript of a bunch of cops driving past her, then running up and kicking her. Where are your net cannons now?
Speaking of which, Ange, meanwhile, spent most of the episode having a shootout with the police. You have to respect their restraint, if not their ridiculous armaments. I’m pretty sure she killed at least a dozen of them when she grenaded a troop carrier, to say nothing of all the automatic fire, and there they were, just firing their cute little net bazookas. Her sister went through the same schtick as Hilda’s mother too because she’s a monster and mom dying was totally her fault, not the fault of the guy standing in front of her, cackling like a mad man. It’s probably good that I don’t really remember the content of her distress cry, because if this was all a plot just to knife her in the arm from a hoverchair and then whip her a little bit…Â
Next Episode:
Back to abusing Ange.
Posted in Cross Ange | 8 Comments »
Glad that i do not liked this Show. My Gust was not failing me, it is total Crap