Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere #15 — Toori Finds Pants

July 14th, 2012



Ebiten’s live broadcast on NicoNico was this morning (exact same time as Dog Days aired to be exact), but from poking around, it apparently had some… issues in delivery. I’m not going to eagerly wait by my computer for it though. I’ll check back every now and then, but since it’s been almost four hours now since it aired, god only knows when it’ll rear its face.


Not as good as last week’s episode, but that’s not terribly surprising either. I didn’t really like the war of words thing. By its entire nature, that’s probably not going to be one of the more interesting fights, but they still could’ve done a whole lot more with it than MacBeth blowing up and/or closeups of faces for the whole thing. That also unfortunately was most of the ‘action’ in the first half. The rest of it was more or less fine, although the CG ships and/or Queen-Who-Was-90%-Dress-And-5%-Autotuned blasting in to spoil everybody’s fun was just spoiling everybody’s fun to not really do anything.

The second half was all recovery, napping, licking wounds (unfortunately not literally), and Toori bothering people in the middle of the night. There was a massive splerg of new character names splashed on screen for about a quarter of a second each as well, presumably the new antagonist set for the foreseeable future. All I remember is that one of them’s a skeleton and another was eating a donut. The rest was bad romantic comedy cliches involving envelopes wedged into crotches and cleavage, Gin, and one really really obnoxious flute. And somehow, that envelope was a load-bearing envelope that was somehow keeping her clothes together. It’s far too late to begin questioning breast physics in this show though.


Posted in Horizon | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Wilfriback says:

    Besides Horizon and Toori, Tomo also appears in the ED at the begin, so this means Tomo is a main character in the series? Kinda confusing when you have a very large number of characters.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone’s a main character, but this season’s primary focus is going to be about Tenzou, Scarred, Shakespeare and Nenshinbara.