Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere #05 — Kaboom

October 29th, 2011


Kazuno, you have no torso. What are you doing?


Again, I feel the need to point out that the writing is far too busy. To get where we are now, we had to carve a maid in half, listen to a crazy guy rant while his own personal army of maids play flutes, and watch a country/ship/whatever explode, killing every almost every character that the last two and a half episodes… nearly half the show so far… has focused on. And what’s at the end of that? "Save the damsel in distress from the evil empire." I’m not sure they could have taken a more circuitous route having less to do with the main characters if they actually tried. They really could have skipped all the butt grabbing and political posturing of the last episode and a half and done the whole Mikawa thing in probably a single episode. I guess they really need context for someone blowing himself and his maid robot army up for the ‘touching’ insert song at the end.

The action continued to be quite good at least, albeit pretty much just eyecandy. The slow-mo fight was a bit off-kilter, and I’m fairly sure just in slow-mo so that they could fit all the dialogue in. Kazuno’s severed torso hanging onto Tadakatsu the whole fight was also a tad creepy. At least Toori and crew showed upt today and got curbstomped by the Imperial Stormtroopers. After almost two full episodes of having nothing to do with… well… anything… they’re finally part of the story again. Now that almost all of the Mikawa people are dead, hopefully we can get back to the main cast and get things moving finally.


Posted in Horizon | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kunagisa says:

    I thought the plot’s pretty decent given they tied the lines from previous episodes together, so it’s not THAT busy.

    Though I’m still scratching on my head on wtf is this supposed to be


  • Rikaishi says:

    So to paraphrase, you want the audience to care less about the characters who just died, and have less of a clue about why they died. I can’t really agree with that.

    You also assume that Horizon was the only motivation for Motonobu’s actions. Keep in mind that he’s a wily old codger (he tutored Masazumi on politics) and his ranting was meant for their enemy’s ears as much as for Tori and his gang. He wanted to look like a crazy terrorist instead of a genius with a master-plan.

    I do agree on one point, the fights this ep weren’t nearly as impressive as ep4’s and suffered from too much pointless talking. We didn’t need to be told about each weapon’s capabilities when they were very effectively showing us. It still wasn’t as bad as, say F/Z’s ep4 fight though.

  • The Phantom says:

    Not sure what is going on here (not making an effort to understand either) but the action so far has been good.

  • Sora no Kaze says:

    Um, I’m pretty sure last episode stated at the around the 13:50 minute mark that all the people of Mikawa left already. So no one died really other then the automated dolls, and the other 2 that stayed behind.