Men☆Glorious Men♪ #01 — Hungry Eyes
July 2nd, 2011
If you forgot the star and musical note, then you got the title wrong.
Oi. The only way this could be more shamelessly Mary Sue is if the main character’s name was Mari Suu. Fall in love with your poster, join new school, instantly have a constant parade of guys doting on you hand and foot, etc etc. At least there’s enough competition among all the horrible male harem shows that they each feel the need to at least try to do something to differentiate themselves. Not always, which is how we end up with… say… a Bridge to Ayumu’s Butt, but usually they feel the need to try to at least add some zany humor or outlandish premise because otherwise they would be really really plain and generic like this. The only ‘unique’ thing here is that all the teachers ramp the fruitiness up to 3,000 times the level of the regular bishies to make them look normal in comparison. Shining is one thing, but see that ‘woman’ with the giant pink hair? That’s right, ‘woman.’ It makes you wonder what some of these other ‘females’ are packing.
It’s not like I expected anything better or different though. I will say this, Shining has a great theme song. The music in general was pretty solid, which I guess is the central thing for the show. The art creeps me the hell out though. Especially Haruka’s eyes. They are soulless dead things… staring into places that no man was meant to see. Production was otherwise decent, but plain. Nothing special either for or against it otherwise. Besides the eyes. The creepy… creepy eyes.
Anyway, female equivilent of trashy male self-insert fantasy. Yeah, there’s only one of these for every 10 of those, but that’s not really a point in its favor either. Now… if one of them had a monocle…
Posted in Anime | 12 Comments »
Goodness, those eyes should afflict some evil magic on whatever it sees – like turning it to stone or setting it on fire. I… cannot… look… away.