Asura Cryin’ #16 — Drills and Dandies

October 14th, 2009


Bismuth better have more powers than "Carries a drill spear."


An okay episode with plenty of moments for the Takatsuki shippers in the crowd I suppose. Tomo really needs to slip out of this funk and go back to summoning Kurogane again. Yeah, so now he knows that it eats away at Misao’s soul, but him moping around about it, not telling her, and putting the rest of the crew in danger is already old. Taktasuki seems like she’s gotten a severe power-down recently as well, although I wonder what ever happened to her falling apart at the end of the previous season.

Kyoumu’s entire gang was pretty awful though. Nothing like a bunch of priests in a row brandishing their little batons in unison, being led by a guy wearing a shirt that he probably stole from a pirate expo. The Burial Doll Releaser also seems a bit machinated, but the way that this show abuses strange vocabulary, it could just as easily mean something else entirely. Lord knows that they never did anything at all with the magical Igniter dildo, and now it’s probably lost in Takatsuki’s cleavage somewhere.

Oh yeah, and some guy in dramatically blowing scarves showed up with gravity powers that an addled Tomo thought was Naotaka. Gee, where have we seen someone in dramatic scarves before. The OP maybe? Naaaaaah.

Kagakagari breaks into an Asura facility with Christina. Kyoumu giggles to himself like a fruit as he tracks them.

Elsewhere on the beach Takatsuki spikes a volleyball. Misao forgets that she’s noncorporeal and Tomo ends up taking the shot to the head.

Takatsuki cleans him up and eats some curry off of him. Ew. Everybody else interrupts the lovers’ moment and Takatsuki finally realizes what she did. Misao pokes fun at Tomo before flying off in a huff. He gets a call from Shuuri. She and Nia are nearby and searching for a "Burial Doll Releaser."

Nia spots smoke coming from a nearby island and the trio heads off to investigate.

Kyoumu’s organizing his gang to head out to take down Kagakagari. He’s still sore about his loss in the first season.

The gang’s barbecuing meat. Takatsuki goes out of her way to blow on Tomo’s meat. Ew again. Misao’s sulking away from the group.

Tomo tries to talk to her, but she knows that he’s hiding something from her. He can’t bear to talk to her about what happened to Aine, so he just tells her to not worry. She knows that Takatsuki knows though, so gets ticked and poofs herself away. An comes over to offer Tomo some food and advice.

Kyoumu’s troops can’t land on the island, so he whips out Bismuth and makes a landing area.

Higuchi organizes a little field trip/courage test for the troop. He pairs Takatsuki and Tomo up, and says that he’ll go with Misao. An’s off being naked.

Tomo’s all sorts of suspicious, but they head out anyway. Higuchi’s plan was to give them some romantic alone time anyway, so he wanders off on his own too. Misao’s annoyed again.

Tomo and Takatsugi talk about the Asura Machines and whatnot, and she reveals to him that she no longer hates herself or her abilities. She crawls up on a rock, reaches her hand to him and sincerely thanks him.

Tomo takes it, stumbles into, but before teenage hormones can take over, Tokiya stuns them with his headlights. The Releaser is nearby and they’re investigating, so the two tag along. Nia reveals the hidden passage and after they’re impressed with her greatness, immediately trips over herself. Misao also shows up to tag along.

They reach the inner area to find Kyoumu et all already there. He taunts them about an Asura Cryin’ that was here too, and Nia starts flipping out. She wants to know about her sister. Kyoumu wonders aloud why this place is important and Nia tells him that it’s an experimental Asura Machina facility. She demands to know what happened to her sister in return, but Kyoumu doesn’t remember saying he would and uses Bismuth to grab her. The rest of his cronies summon little Machina too.

Shuuri attacks, but the Machina are upgraded versions and are unaffected. Misao tries to get Tomo to summon Kurogane, but he hesitates. Takatsuki flames a few, but quickly collapses of fatigue. Shuuri whips out her magical doom crossbow and wipes out all the Machina in one shot except for Bismuth, who dispels it with his drill.


Misao again begs Tomo to use Kurogane, but he just grits his teeth. Kyoumu’s gang attacks and Shuuri falls into a hole made by the explosions. Nia yells at Tomo to take Takatsuki and run away while Misao keeps begging him to summon Kurogane. A sudden gravitic distortion appears on the Machina and they all blow up. In the smoke, Tomo thinks that he sees his brother.


Cryin’ ghosts and Asuras.

Posted in Asura Cryin' | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Yue says:

    Someone cut that guy’s danggling hair… [nervepop] ~_~

  • […] for the rest of the series) felt that Tomo being unable to bring himself to summon Kurogane was getting old but I disagree; after all, he's just learnt, from Aki's case, that Burial Dolls can disappear […]

  • GF202020 says:

    I demand more Takatsuki in her miko outfit.

  • sora says:

    not to seem random right now but your not going to blog about kmi ni todoke? :/

  • real says:

    Any one else think Misao had an especially awesome sense of fashion in this episode? I’m so used to seeing anime blast the ecchi to the max, so I like it when I see something more unique like how Misao was dressed in the second half of the episode.

  • Lero says:
    OMFG! Is Ribbons Allmark from Gundam 00!

  • Lauren says:

    Back off, ho! Tomo is Misao’s.