Guin Saga #01 — Babysitting with Leopardmen

April 5th, 2009


Little children should be eaten. With tartar sauce.

New Season Disclaimer:

I prefer to give every show a chance. You never know when your dream-eating insect wielding Mai HiME knockoff will turn out to be a psychological romantic thriller, or the strange moeblob show will be full of wit and urine jokes. However, my preferences are still my preferences, and while I’ll endevor to at least convey why I do or do not like things, there are genres of shows that I just plain don’t particularly enjoy. My opinions are based on nothing more than a gut reaction to what I watched literally 10-15 minutes prior and should be construed as nothing more and nothing less than that.


If you came here expecting a lot of a leopard man, then I have bad news. The twins dominate the show, and they’re both awful. Remus is especially painful since he’s such a whiny pantywaist. Rinda’s only marginally less helpless, but at least she doesn’t need to be saved every five minutes. Guin himself comes with his own brand of distractions, namely that his mouth just pulses as he talks without any attention whatsoever to syncing it… except when it doesn’t, and he talks without moving his mouth at all. If he didn’t move his mouth at all, that’d be fine, but the constant rhythmic panting is distracting.

Production is extremely high all around, Guin’s head notwithstanding. The backgrounds are gorgeous, the monsters are monstrous, the generic soldiers generic. Nobuo’s touch on the score is also unmistakable, although whether or not that’s a good thing is up to you. His music sort of all starts to run together for me after awhile, and we’re into what… the third decade of it? The action was well done, but again, I’m already tired of Remus shrieking like a little girl and falling over.

All that said, it is extremely high fantasy, which I really don’t generally care too much for, and between the amnesia, the worthless Remus, and the painfully cliche Rinda, very little about the characters or story interests me either. I certainly wouldn’t hold it against anybody for continuing though. It’s just a bit heavy for my tastes, especially with a pretty antipathetic central cast and no real story to speak of yet.

No OP this week.


Saving the twins from yet more trouble.

Posted in Anime | 8 Comments »

8 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Chen says:

    Thundercats are on the move
    Thundercats are loose!
    Feel the magic, hear the roar,
    Thundercats are loose!

    Thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats!
    Thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats!
    Thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats!
    Thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats!

  • P-dash says:

    Tekken called, they want their crappy wrestler back.

  • Anonym says:

    I’d do that King in a heartbeat. Imagine him if his face is that of a human… *drool*
    Also, I’m a guy. So.

  • Bakuman says:


    Where did this Leopardman come from? I think he’s wearing a mask, if not then thats just weird. The creaters of this show are going to proberly show how the man becames Leopardman in one of the episodes. I’m shocked that your even bloging this series because you said ” All that said, it is extremely high fantasy, which I really don’t generally care too much for, and between the amnesia, the worthless Remus, and the painfully cliche Rinda, very little about the characters or story interests me either. I certainly wouldn’t hold it against anybody for continuing though. It’s just a bit heavy for my tastes, especially with a pretty antipathetic central cast and no real story to speak of yet.” :/

  • Sheba says:

    Books, because Guin Saga were books to begin with, specifically said it is a mask he cannot take off. It is actually one of the mysteries that was NEVER explained since 30 years of the saga.

    Now, if you liked Berserk or Lodoss, Guin Saga may be for you. If your kind of fantasy is more Slayers, move on. I never liked Slayers, so I don’t need to say where I stand.

  • Mark says:

    “I’m shocked that your even bloging this series”

    Unless the next episode suddenly becomes super amazing I’m willing to bet he’s not… he’s simply posting his opinion on most first eps.

  • no name says:

    Quite a number of still shots.
    The soundtrack sounds like Nobuo’s other works.
    Torch magically becomes a flaming tree.
    2nd thrown torch that magically comes from out of no where.
    I hate watching Guin talk.

  • karasu says:

    you get some pretty stupid comments in your comment section, aroduc.