Kindaichi’s Tail #2358 — Let’s Not Pretend Here

April 5th, 2014


Consider this my nod toward two things aimed at screaming young men with barely enough animation in them to make it as gifs and which progress at the speed of continental drift that I am not going to pick up some 200 episodes in. I have acknowledged that they exist, and there are still five more shows left to deal with today. Avaunt! …Once they actually air at any rate.

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Consume Miso, Be a Mage — The No-No Places

June 15th, 2012


Way to be, Japanese light novel industry.

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The Adventures That I Have During Filler Weeks

September 27th, 2011

Since this is an off-week, first, I got a crippling toothache which became a root canal by Monday afternoon. Then, while I was ODing on ibuprofen and getting some editing work done, I caught the tail end of the above because I forgot to change the channel. …It is a surprisingly apt summary of the new Thundercats’ first episode though. Then I forgot about it until the middle of class, so after using it to torture some people on IRC, I made lunch. By the time I finished eating, it was apparently on Reddit’s front page. This is what happens when I’m not kept busy. Frankly, I blame a Belgian gypsy curse.

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