C81: Kengeki Musou Thoughts

December 30th, 2011


It’s still pretty as all hell, but the controls can still be touchy, the level design is still tedious and far too long, and the enemies are barely even speedbumps. The bosses can be fun (and hard), but there’s definitely a lot of things that need tweaking. Collision detection is a huge one, as it’s not at all rare to find bosses trapped inside walls. Aya seems particularly prone to it, but bosses in general seem poorly tested. The frog, for example, glitched me between it and a wall then proceeded to slap me to death while I couldn’t move. Marisa’s master spark also literally pinned me against a wall from right next to her and took basically my entire life bar… and then part of the next one. It definitely needs (more) patching and could use some improved mechanics and controls to be more than just an afternoon’s distraction. Still pretty though!

Posted in Youkengeki Musou | 4 Comments »

C81: Youkengeki Musou PV, New Freudenstachel Trial

December 11th, 2011

Yep, it’s that pretty pretty Youmu platformer that’s been making the rounds in various trials for the last couple Comikets. It’ll be out in its full version, complete with strange robots and a significantly more advanced (thank god) combat system this year. Meanwhile, Freudenstachel has gotten a number of updates to its trial over the past week. I think honestly that Erka;es has actually gone insane with how long they’ve been working on it. Lastly, if you were curious about the character additions for the latest expansion of Touhou Sky Arena, while the page isn’t updated, all three are posted to their blog; Flandre, Reisen, and Mokou with the first two playable for the trial to be released at the end of the month.

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