There’s Not Enough Time in the Week For Filler Posts
August 13th, 2013
Posted in Corona | 5 Comments »
Posted in Corona | 5 Comments »
In case anybody other than me is looking forward to Corona, which doesn’t seem to be the case, it had some kind of ‘pre-trial’ release that at least shows the tutorial stage, but nothing else of the gameplay. Aside from that is a massive massive chunk of introductory stuff that I’ll actually read once the game itself is out. Yes, yes. City being eaten by monsters, dragon girl who calls the MC daddy, twin tailed blonde with a giant axe, etc etc. What little there is here does look slick and well executed, with a lot of potential for depth. Yumina certainly wasn’t lacking for that, so if they’ve solved the grinding problem while transitioning here to more of a tactical SRPG, this should hopefully be fantastic.
Posted in Corona | 5 Comments »
Since today’s the calm before the storm of 2.5 hours of new shows on Saturday (plus Working’s new OP), here’s the next big game I’m looking forward to. Corona is the spiritual successor to Yumina the Ethereal and based on a very similar graphic engine, but with much more of squad-based SRPG mechanic. I’ll probably have more to say when they actually put out a trial in probably a month. Hopefully they learned from Yumina and made it more like the fandisk than the game (ie, removed 90% of the grind). Some people might also enjoy seeing Eiyuu Senki’s battle system in action in a brief promo too. They’ve just been updating the character roster with a seemingly endless array of Arthurian knights for the last month though, some having cans that would definitely stop any real knight from making it to the Grail.
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