Kingdoms of Ruin #12 — Environmental Disaster

December 22nd, 2023


Those poor velociraptors.

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Kingdoms of Ruin #11 — Bisectual Slut Shaming

December 15th, 2023


What? She was some kind of outcast evil witch? Since when?

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The Kingdoms of Ruin #10 — Handsy Man

December 8th, 2023


Why exactly was he carrying some random severed heads around?

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Kingdoms of Ruin #09 — A Large Pile of Killer Sex Bots

December 1st, 2023


Spare a thought for the poor tragic killer sex bots.

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The Kingdoms of Ruin #08 — Idol Propoganda

November 24th, 2023


Was this supposed to be a music themed episode?

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Kingdoms of Ruin #07 — I’ll Have My Own Post-Apocalypse

November 17th, 2023


There are pet velociraptors now?

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The Kingdoms of Ruin #06 — Brainwashapalooza

November 10th, 2023


I can't wait to make an astroTERFing pun.

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The Kingdoms of Ruin #05 — Moon Jelly

November 3rd, 2023


More blood means more serious and grim and dark, right? 

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Kingdoms of Ruin #04 — Behold My Lemon

October 27th, 2023


…Okay, but why do you even have a lemon?

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The Kingdoms of Ruin #03 — Poking the Demon Core

October 20th, 2023


Why do you not at least have 2FA for your doomsday device?

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