A Certain Magical Index II #19 — The 500 Yard Child Toss
February 18th, 2011
This hasn’t been a good week for anime physics.
I’d like to be happy about things actually going somewhere again, but the problem is that they’re kind of not and it was made worse by an extremely lame fight. Accelerator wrecked a car, tore it apart, then stood there and got beat up while some random guy lectured him about why and how, neither of which are particularly interesting questions since there’s only ever one reason the science side does anything and even less variation when Accel and LO are involved. He may as well have just been a really strong mugger. You’d think after dealing with Touma, he’d at least have a clue about how to fight against people who can nullify/’jam’ his abilities at close range. I did both enjoy him somehow harmlessly blasting an unconscious Last Order into the air away apparently as well as the fact that they actually had to freeze part of the ‘fight’ at one point mid punch just to get all the talking in. And by enjoy, I mean died a little more inside.
Unfortunately, after that little bout of wailing on Accel was finished, the episode basically stopped. Or at least, the animators stopped working on it. The last four minutes or so was seriously almost nothing more than an audio stream. Here’s a picture of the city. Here’s another picture of the city. Here’s a walky talky. Here’s the other side of the walky talky. Here’s the mayor floating upside down in his jar from 500 feet away. Fantastic. This is exactly how you keep people visually engaged. I’m so glad they had the dual cliffhangers of swapping Index and Last Order again just to follow it with… that.
One of these things is not like the others.
Posted in Index | 19 Comments »
I wonder how the whole Index x Last order mix up will change things…though more likely than not they’ll end up being virtually useless in the fights as usual. No surprise there :P