Infinite Stratos #05 — Deutschland Ãœber Alles
February 3rd, 2011
That actually has almost nothing to do with this episode.
Bleh. This was a pretty terrible episode and easily the worst in IS’s run so far. I can’t believe they’re trying to sell ‘Charl’ as male too. In a skintight suit. And a voice too feminine for even an 8 year old Tabernacle choir boy. It’s like when they cast Noto in male roles. Who the hell do they think they’re fooling? Just look at those mighty, masculine childbearing hips. They didn’t even actually reveal or… hell… do anyting with him either. Both the dishevled hot sister and newbie Laura from Germany had a bigger presence in the episode. I did appreciate the way she came into the class and marked her territory immediately. Leave it to a German to blitzkrieg the Rhineland.
As for the rest… bleh. Nothing of import happened, the ‘fight’ happened mostly a mile away between indistinguishable dots firing tiny black lines, and the Brit can’t cook. I’d be more concerned about that carrot in her basket. It’s entirely too… bushy. There were some cute Houki moments, I suppose, but it’s not as much fun when Ichika turns completely oblivious to how much he’s traumatizing the rest of his harem… or oblivious to the fact that holding somebody of the opposite sex wearing little more than a paper-thin bathing suit against your chest could be construed to have a deeper meaning. Not that I want him to stammer and freak out about it either, but at least a little situational awareness could be useful, especially while Houki is furiously ovulating in your arms.
Don’t let the screencaps deceive you. The preview is about 95% pictures of walls.
Posted in Infinite Stratos | 23 Comments »
The Reverse-Trap makes this episode an instant winner in my book. What can I say? I’m a weak, deeply perverted man.