Samurai Girls #11 — Wet Blanket
December 12th, 2010
Why must you ruin everything, Muneakira?
I don’t even know what’s going on with this show anymore. Part of the episode was Nia backstory crammed into flashbacks of Yoshihiko explaining his eeeevil plan all along before shouting at her to prove that her love is real. Meanwhile Muneakira seemed bound and determined to suck any life from the show by throwing a hissy fight about the fight having no point (seriously, dude?) before somehow breaking his Jubei-chains and… sucking the life out of the fight. It wasn’t even that impressive to begin with, so thanks, Muneakira. You are now a wet blanket for every single aspect of this show.
At the same time, Gisen’s sitting on top of their castle casting random eeeeevil magical spells to eat the moon, summon swarms of plants, surround the place in a barrier… You know, I don’t even know what her overall plans are anymore. I think it’s "destroy everything, we’ll sort it out later." Why the moon has to suffer is beyond me. And finally, Jubei’s having her own little crisis of self by way of having her two selves naked and entwined. At least she wasn’t squirming. That would have made the scene even more awkward and silly than it already was. At this point though, that may have been a better thing. I’d rather see 20 minutes of naked Jubeis writhing at this point than what appears to be a finale of "the characters versus a bunch of giant vines."
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So Gisen is Maleficent? And Samurai Girls is Sleeping Beauty? Stop fucking me here.