Shigofumi #03 — Learning to Fly
January 19th, 2008
Well, that’s a new trick.
I’m not sure when exactly they expected that this wouldn’t cause controversy, but the censorship wasn’t bad at all. All they apparently did was not show the gun that the father pulled out. At least… I think. I did enjoy Fumika randomly showing up to beat down some punks. JCStaff seems to actually be getting decent with the action these past few weeks. I could have done without the stupid staff screaming and the bright colors flashing in the middle of that scene though. The staff in general needs to be muted, or thrown into the fires of Mt Doom. I’m equally fine with both.
The basic story was that a kid jumped to his death and everybody started assuming that his friends picked on him or drove him to it. Eventually, the dead kid’s father breaks into the school and holds them all hostage until they confess which one(s) drove him to it (gee, this will go over well with the censors) before Fumika shows up to deliver a letter to one of the friends. Apparently the kid just sort of lost touch with reality and thought that he could fly. Well done, kiddo.
So, yeah… taking a school hostage with a shotgun… I’m pretty sure that’s a touchy subject no matter what the current news is. There was very little that I could tell that got covered up, It was interesting to see another quick shot into Fumika’s past. One of the people at the school recognized her as Mika. Apparently she shot her father and her punishment is to become the postal carrier of the shigofumi. She also takes delivering these letters rather seriously, holding the father at gunpoint until the kid was allowed to read the letter.
Another excellent episode, with a lot of great imagery during the denouement. Sen was apparently just a fruitcase all around. I was a little surprised that the SWAT (or whatever the Japanese equivilent are) didn’t end up gunning down Sen’s father, but I guess one death is enough. It wouldn’t have really added anything anyway… they just paused a little too dramatically as they tossed the flashbomb in.
Lesbians! Oh ho…
Posted in Shigofumi | 1 Comment »
w/e….you know you love that awesome pink brightness when the Shigofumi appear.