Spice and Wolf #01 — Could Use More Pepper
January 8th, 2008
Or maybe some paprica.
I have to admit that this wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting from Imagin. Even if the rest of the episodes are their usual garbage, with this first episode, it’s already solidified itself as the highest quality thing they’ve ever produced… and if you’re curious… that’s really not a compliment. Production values, where Imagin traditionally has… issues… were about average all around. Nothing to really speak of or complain about. They seemed to really be driving at making it feel rustic with the music and that was done well enough, aside from a few parts where they let the flautist solo and realizing that this was their big shot at fame, they went nuts. There’s nothing uglier than an out of control flautist.
Seven minutes of naked Horo was probably a bit much, and the ED is a godawful mess of atonal Engrish. Otherwise, it actually seemed decent, if fairly unremarkable. I’m sure fans of Horo the series will be happier than I, and let’s face it… any time Imagin doesn’t produce a steaming pile of garbage, you should sacrifice a goat to your god of choice for the obvious divine intervention.
Spice and Wolf OP
Posted in Anime | 7 Comments »
Maybe I was expecting too much from all the hype this has been getting, but I actually found this really boring. The only thing I liked was naked wolf’s moe way of talking and the funny engrish ED.