Ladies vs Butlers! #08 — Death by Chocolate
February 23rd, 2010
What a lightweight.
Dare I say that this was one of the nicest episodes of this show to date? I think I do. It’s still not going to win any awards or suddenly become… you know… recommendable, but at least so far as this episode went, it was quite enjoyable. A lot of that had to do with the relative dearth of fanservice this week, limited to a couple quick topless Drill shots (which believe me, are old news to everybody within 50 miles of her by this point) and two sets of of her moaning, one of which ended obviously with the drunk passing out, while the other ended in chess. This is the first time I’ve seen a sex gag end in chess. That’s got to count for something.
It was a drill episode through and through. She dragged Hino off to be her personal escort for summer vacation and her entire household (including her father) immediately started trying to hook them off. He got drunk off of chocolate and made a move on her before passing out, and then saved her when she almost drowned to finally get his kiss reward. It’s a little annoying, though expected, that they seem to be moving into a mutual angsty Tomomi vs Drill finale, but we’ll see how next week’s date with Tomomi goes and if she matches Drill’s rationalized cheek kiss or if she just pins him down and jams her tongue town his throat.
Tomomi strikes back.
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So, next week is Tomomi of Counter attack…lol