Ahh! My Goddess: Fighting Wings #02 — Escapee From Kingdom Hearts

December 10th, 2007


Oh god, the pumpking is killing me.


Well, a lazy Sunday evening, so I might as well watch episode 2 and wrap up the special. There’s really not to much more to tell though. The goddesses capture Marller, Lind forces Cool Mint into K-1, they all fight the Angel Eater, which looks like it escaped from Kingdom Hearts, save the corrupted Belldandy (who didn’t actually do anything except float mindlessly), return Peorth and Urd’s angels, and Lind learns to believe in herself, thus accepting her second one-winged Angel, Bubble Yum Spear Mint. Everybody rallies, unlocks their super goddess fighting powers, chase off Hild and then kill the Eater. At least they didn’t use a Care Bear Stare to do so.

Since this episode was pretty much meant as complete action, the absolutely abysmal production values were really on full display. They didn’t even bother trying to integrate the manga pages and just colored them, tossed them in between action scenes and called it a day. Oh well, I suppose if A!MG fans have put up with the manga going basically nowhere for as many decades as it has, this will be par for the course. Still, you’d think with as few chances as they get to animate something actually interesting, they’d at least try to not make it awful. Oh well. I don’t know why I expected anything different. At least I got to see Lind gutpunch Keiichi a couple times. That’s really all the reward that I needed.

Posted in Ah! My Goddess | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • robin says:

    Wait a minute, is this a new series or OVA? I don’t remember seeing this (maybe I forgot). What is “Fighting Wings”?

  • Aroduc says:

    It was a two episode special that aired on Saturday.

  • marconii2002 says:

    I need full title this ova

  • Celestial says:

    I went through 2 seasons, a movie, and an ova for this??? AHHHHHH FACEROLL