The Venture Bros S4 — Endless Eight

October 19th, 2009


So I thought to myself, "Self, there’s no anime you want to watch between Saturday and Monday, so maybe you should hook up your TV-tuner card and cover Venture Bros." I dutifully set it up, and sat down to enjoy the new season. And then Cartoon Network completely putzed up the broadcast and proceeded to show the first half of the episode… and after the commercial break, broadcast the first half of the episode again. Apparently this happened with ALL west coast broadcasts, if the Adult Swim message boards going haywire are any indication. And their new (at least since S3 ended) policy is to not post premiere episodes for a week. Con-gra-tu-bloody-lations, Cartoon Network. You’ve successfully made me unable to watch your completely standard normal broadcast. How does it end? Who knows (aside from you east coasters), but I know that I’m stuck watching those 10 minutes at least a third time before the week is out.

Posted in Anime | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    Haruhi once again shows that it’s a trend setter.

  • DK says:

    KyoAni and CN: partners in trolling fans WORLDWIDE!

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t think it’s fair to make the comparison between KyoAni and CN. It’s like comparing Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris. While Jackie Chan is inconsistently goofy in general, we all expect Norris to be consistently a badass.

  • Anonymous says:

    What the hell are you talking about? It’s obviously Jackie Chan is the better badass. He’s obviously much more manlier than Chuck Noooooooooooorris.


  • Anonymous says:

    Blood of the Father is on AS website right now. I think thats the S4 premiere? Cuz the last ep from S3 I remember was Family that Slays Together.

    -BotF link-

    • Aroduc says:

      Yeah, it looks like they put it up early and are reairing the episode at 2430 every night this week too.

      Also, what the hell has IE8 done here?

      Edit: Oh, it’s just my admin tools screwing up the page formatting.

  • Eastcoaster says:

    No endless eight in the east coast, the episode ran continuously with no repeating segments (although they pull a pulp fiction move on the episode)

  • kenuran says:

    Reminds me of the time AS premiered the same episode of Big O season 2 twice in two weeks.

    Then on the third week they showed the beginning of same episode again but then they interrupted it with a bump saying something like “Just kidding. Heres the real episode”

    Big O confused me so much…

  • Travis says:

    Yeah, same here in Alaska. I felt a little bit of my soul get crushed. But then I toughed up and watched it on the web. Still though, not cool. Was it just the network getting fubared, or a dick move to seem cool? Damned if I know.

  • happy says:

    thankfully I’m in new york and was able to watch it although the episode was pretty confusing.