Mechanical Arms #04 — Love and War

October 24th, 2024


Why are we even hiding her face at all?


How many more times is the dude going to run away, and two seconds later, regret running away and change his mind? Because that's all he did last week, all he did the first week, all he did the second week, all he did the third week, and all he did this week too, but continues to yell about it nonstop. How nice of them to put it at the start of the episode rather than the end so we can get that bit of episodic repetition out of the way quickly. That's going to be its own entire paragraph in a couple weeks, isn't it?

Pretty dull and honestly, nonsensical episode otherwise. The show's Vegeta joins the school and… completes his transition into gag character. Ostensibly, it's setting up Aki's personal nemesis, but that's obviously her sister, being literally the only other character with orange hair and appearing in every single flashback. But also Alma's backstory, which only boils down to "You're the super secret key to everything for reasons nobody knows." Yeah, that's where we were before. What we've added here is that there's some kind of secondary widget involved. Why explaining this had to wait until a dude was dying on a table, I couldn't tell you. It was completely out of left field after the dozen other times the question has been asked. But it was pretty funny how they said the dude was going to make it thanks to him, and then flatlined right after. Now that's funny.

Next Episode:

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