Midnight Punch #02 — Vampires Vs Egg Emulsifications

June 23rd, 2024


Okay, I guess that's how vampires work.


*ahem* Continuing right along, the premise being that Miss Brat makes a deal for a zillion subscribers and the vampire can eat her. So they do vampire streaming, and instantly go viral, but then the no fun police show up, say that they're not allowed to show vampire stuff to humans, makes them delete the channel, and then after a heart to heart about how making videos is the only way/reason she has friends, decide to make a second channel, but without using vampire powers. Which is exactly how all of this works. They're not even putting on Clark Kent glasses. Just a channel with a different name and nobody will recognize that it's the same people who went viral a week ago. Also, by closing the channel, all of their videos disappear from the internet. That's how this works. That's definitely how all this works. It's easy to swallow a vampire getting drunk off tube mayonnaise. I don't know anything about vampire biology vis a vis egg-oil emulsifications. I would like to think I have a passing knowledge of the internet though.

But let's focus on the drama of the episode, because that drunk vampire thing was also really the only joke of this episode. Masaki continues to be a horse's ass, not caring about anybody or anything but what she wants. They try to make a big deal out of the reveal that she was depressed and a loner, but she's still being an ass. And let's remember that the vampire's interest in her is because she's having psychic sex dreams about her. Pretending like there's overtures of friendship here is bizarre. It would've worked far better to go full slapstick and indulge in some schadenfreude instead of cranking the melodrama up and trying to excuse her behavior with "oh, but she's sad. Indistinctly. Because she's an ass to even the people trying to be friendly with her."

This doesn't continue with episode 3 until July 21st, but I highly doubt I'll be keeping up with it. We'll see how the rest of the reason pans out though and how desperate I am at that point.


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