Berserk Gluttony #03 — Horny Blondes in Your Area

October 15th, 2023


At least Superman bothered to put on glasses.


On the upside, there were no status sheets this week. No skills. None of that nonsense. On the downside, there was… nothing to replace it. It was a date episode. Where they went into the city and recapped that the knights are all dicks while doing the same 'gag' where the guy forgets to be telepathic and blurts out insults, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. In the few spare moments between this, the girl gets overly blushy and handsy. Just have sex already if you want them to have a relationship. This middle school "do you like me LIKE ME garbage" is utter tedium, and it's only the third episode.

I have given Frieren and Shangri-la second looks as well, but they both kind of have the same issue for me, just one from a dramatic angle and the other from an I'm-not-calling-this-comedy. They're certainly the best produced shows of this season by a goddamned mile, and possibly worth watching just to remember what decent animation looks like, but in the periods where they're not flexing their animation muscles, I tune out entirely. Either because I'm being put to sleep by its (intentionally) soporific characters and atmosphere, or because it's irritating me relentless with its total ignorance of the video games it's attempting to lecture me on. Too many eggs in Shy's basket this season.


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