The Capable Cat #09 — Cat Sitting

September 1st, 2023


This episode proved my personal hypothesis that two episodes of this in a short span is a bit more than I can stomach.


Or maybe it was just a particularly poor episode. Who can even tell? I don't much care for her co-workers, and half the episode spent with them cattily gossiping about Saku doesn't have a lot of humor potential, no matter how much they try to pull it back with "Oh, and then she caught a molester and is good at her job." And for the middle chunk of the episode, Yukichi joins a bunch of retirees in taking care of the park and playing crouqet gateball. The sight gags were already shown in the next episode preview, leaving that segment a bit empty, even for this show.

The other couple minutes of the episode is recycling the sub-cat not-character. You'd think they could come up with at least some kind of Tom and Jerry rivalry between Yukichi and a mouse, dog, or hell, even some kind of awkward Pepe Le Pew kind of situation with another cat. But all they apparently can come up with is having the kitten pounce on his tail. Also, again, what exactly is the litterbox situation with Yukichi for that matter? There are plenty of cat jokes out there you could be making. This is weak. 

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