The Capable Cat #06 — Shedding Season

August 11th, 2023


Pretty sure if he was shedding like that, there'd be black hair everywhere.


You'd think at least one of them would know Photoshop, or at least how to use Instagram filters… which they then do for a brief gag afterwards. And wouldn't it have been easier to just take a normal picture and then pretend you were using some kind of forced perspective trick, or let them assume that you were and be amazed at how well you pulled it off? Isn't that kind of how things are going with Yukichi just wandering around in general? Yes, I get my fun from poking plot holes in vapid brainless comedies that have no plot whatsoever to begin with. Why do you ask?

So it goes. A segment about a kotatsu. A segment about naggy mom wanting pics of her daughter's cat. Some very, very, very, very brief filler bits in between them to pad things out. There's so much more it could be doing with a giant cat. Hell, just having any kind of structure instead of throwing together four or five completely disjointed random segments might help, but then again, the last couple times were all centered on that boring child. Lean into your premise more, or at least the energy and animation that's in the OP. It shouldn't continuously be the bright spot of the show week to week.

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