Synduality Noir #01 — Plug and Play People

July 10th, 2023


Don't piss off grandma.


This was a lot more light hearted than I expected. It felt a lot more like a Bones style mecha show with the massive cast, barrage of technobabble, and magical girlfriend fanservice. I'm not entirely sure what to make of the androids that are being plugged in to the mechs to make them not suck considering half of the androids are cosplaying various kinds of butlers or bodyguards, but they don't really seem to be taken as second class citizens or the like. Just… cosplay enthusiasts with a fetish for servitude, I guess. But that didn't bother me as much as what appeared to be a bit of foreshadowing about one of the silly CGI beasties stabbing some fuel tank or something, closeup and everything to make sure you didn't miss it, and then, just… nothing on that whatsoever. Did I sneeze and miss the importance of that? It was annoying me all episode.

It's certainly anime as all hell, and I don't love the goofy wheel monsters or CGI in general, but those are far from deal breakers. I think if anything what'll put people off the most is that there's a quite large cast and a lot of technobabble. I far prefer that to having everything explained at exhaustive length, but it was a bit much for even me and it was easy to feel a bit lost in all the nonsense. But it's a fairly fun cast of characters with decent humor, and at least they are flexing some muscles with the CGI instead of it being clunky boxy mechs clomping around. Given how the rest of the season's premieres have gone, the last couple days have definitely been a sharp uptick.


Posted in Synduality Noir | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Anon says:

    It was kind of a weird way to show it, but I’m pretty sure the cg alien stabbing the missile was how they tracked them back to the city, which was why everyone was mad at spiky hair at the end since it was basically his fault