My Small Senior #01 — Workplace Harassment
July 1st, 2023
Yo, tone down the pink haze.
It's rarely a good sign when there's multiple leering pans across a character's chest, butt, neck, and chest again before anybody speaks a single word. I remarked in the season preview that the source is not actually all that fanservicey compared to the manga's covers and whatnot, but boy, is that not true of the adaptation. Everybody is permanently blushing and flushed and I don't think there's a single twenty second span that doesn't devolve into a steamy pink-hued background like the whole this is a hair's breadth away from becoming porn. Perhaps I just can't read nuance in black and white, or maybe it's all the moaning and rose haze.
But that's all there is to this, as usual for all these Tawawa knockoffs, or whatever you want to call this particular fantasy of being fussed over by a girl for absolutely no reason and with no story, plot conflict, development, humor, anything whatsoever. Just pink haze, light moaning, and she poofs cat ears and meows sometimes. That's it. Even Place to Place, which also did the awkward cat ear girl thing, remembered that sometimes it should have some jokes that aren't blushing and moaning. It really makes me miss the framework of VN adaptations. Even the most mundane still felt like every character had to have at least some whiff of an introduction and arc, even if it was just them being insecure about nothing, healed by the protagonist telling them to stop being so insecure. Plus you had the variety of flavors, so the audience could get involved in shipping wars. God, I feel like I'm trying to talk myself into one of the awful harem things yet to come.
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