The Heavenly Delusion #02 — Birdie Whip
April 8th, 2023
Monsters are never your children.
It really would do the structure of this show good to not be so haphazardly cut up. The whip-bird story is wrapped up in the first half and then a little more meandering before we end up on a tomato farm getting high and getting awkward about sex and gender. The vault kids remain the least interesting part of the story, but at least they're effectively showing that they've got a really bizarre Lord of the Flies like culture with both casual violence and empathy towards each other in off-putting ways, at least when they're not looking at nudes. I did warn you in the preview and previous post that this show gets pretty iffy about that stuff, and we haven't even reached the kid prostitutes which is where my thumbing through the manga ended.
Anyway, the bird bit was good. Would've been better to end the episode rather than start it, considering it's the… conclusion to a story. A bit gimmicky, but well-animated, and the standard tale of a deluded lady clinging to the hope that her child is alive in the monster, right before immediately getting nommed. One kid has a magical gun, the other has an apparently magical hand. If we can keep it at that level, good enough for me without further explanation. But then the rest of the episode is going to a new city, meeting new people, and setup for the next arc. Just shuffle things slightly so everything gets put together into one episode where the start happens at the start, and the ending at the end. Why are we even doing things like this?
Posted in Heavenly Delusion | 1 Comment »
The kid plots is obviously Promised neverland, except they are superhumans which implies they obviously have monster genes implanted, which means that the kids are from many years ago and the monsters the other two are facing may even be the kids themselves, what a OBVIOUS twist.
The other two however exploring an apocalyptic world they loot houses find stuff and even go to the freaking bathroom, thats gold, LOVED IT, they even deal with corrupted people, wherever they go and even a monster now and then LOVED every minute of it, my favorite show of the season minus the kid parts.