The Dangers in My Heart #02 — Smelly Women

April 7th, 2023



I'm not sure where this came from (well, China obviously) and there's no indication on the official site of an early airing or anything. But, uh, okay. It's out there a day early.


I felt like I'd give this one more of a second glance as it had the most evocative first episode, and this one had to unfortunately largely be pretty fanservicey and gross. Not just for all the close-ups of breasts, soaked t-shirts, so on and so forth, but the repeated running off to the bathroom to 'deal with it.' When you've got me wishing the show had just gone for a nosebleed instead to be less weird and creepy, something has definitely gone very wrong.

At least there's less psychotic fantasies about murder, but that also just leaves him as Awkward Billy Everyteen while she remains a gluttonous airhead who frequently struggles with anything greater than monosyllabic grunts. If we're on the second episode, and they're not advancing anything, introducing new characters, developing the relationship or even the characters that they already have, then my scant interest has already run its course.


Posted in Dangers in My Heart | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • residentgrigo says:

    Kyotaro being unlikable for a handful of volumes is the manga´s gift and curse. He might even remain a piece of shit for most of the runtime as this is only announced for 12 eps.

  • The Phantom says:

    Another ridiculous show, no if you are a freaking loser the hottest girl is not going to start doting you, another delusional writer with another ridiculous story.