Reincarnated as I Don’t Care #01 — The Displaying of Status Screens
April 2nd, 2023
Now I have a headache.
This was goddamned atrocious. It's up there with some of the too-edgy revenge themed ones for how much physical pain it caused me. The main way it sets itself apart from all the others of its ilk is by being extremely loud. Not just shouting goddamned near everything in high pitched shrieks that it's trying to pass off as jokes, but the music as well. It is omnipresent and drowns out the characters most of the time. All of it combines to make a cacophony that is fatiguing and draining.
And then we come to the writing. It is some of the most banal cheat power reincarnation in RPG world garbage around, without a single trace of creativity or originality. He has cheat powers. How do we show this? He has a status screen. They spend the entire last third of it explaining how his stats are higher than they should be. No, not just those stats. These stats too! All the stats! All of his stats are super high! He has super high stats! Normal people have normal stats, but his stats are extremely high! Look at the number! It is a 10! The normal maximum is five! 5! 10 is much greater than 5! It sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I assure you, I am absolutely not.
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