RPG Real Estate #01 — There’s Always Time for a Bath

April 6th, 2022


At least they're not idols.


Aside from the gratuitous stripping and bath scenes, a thoroughly banal affair. Inoffensive and unambitious in all ways, solely content to sell itself as "has cute girls," and call it a day. Granted, it feels like the era of "girls in a club do nothing" is in the rear view mirror, but that doesn't mean that I miss it, and with jokes like "I have a pie." "From where?" "I baked it here." "AT A REAL ESTATE OFFICE!?", it's not what one would call a laugh riot. At its best, its that Dragon Goes Househunting show from a year or two back, except with cutesy girls.

And being completely fluff, there's not a whole else more to say about it. Shows like Yuru Yuri flexed some animation muscles and/or weirdness to stand out, GA Art Club had an infectious, almost manic, passion for its subject matter, Hidamari Sketch was extra wide. This is… just fantasy girls occasionally making faces, but even that falls off by the end of the episode and it tries to get all weepy and emotional over going to a meadow. Because flowers. And girls. What could be more innocent and pure. 


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