Friends Game #01 — *GASP*

April 5th, 2022


Shock! Surprise! Confusion! Astonishment! 


And then we have this, which clearly thinks that it's trying its damnedest to be over the top hyper dramatic… by doing things like when a character says "We're friends, right?" the camera begins spinning wildly and the main dude pans for the camera in abject terror, followed by about thirty seconds of the chirpy CGI mascot hopping around going "FRIENDS! FRIENDS!" before the protagonists can re-mawk for the camera again. Over-dramatized reactions to anything and everything are the only hammer that this show has, and everything is a nail. Nothing can pass without having someone mug for the camera. 

So here's ten minutes of introducing the Squid Game premise, followed by ten minutes of playing ouija board kokkuri, stopping on occasion to either pan for the camera dramatically or flashback to some moment about how they were actually huge asses to each other, not friends at all. Subtlety is not in this show's lexicon. It feels slower paced even than other similar things, probably because it's spread so thin between feeling like every single character needs to be introduced in turn that it doesn't get to the mandatory consequences or whatever to show that this is actually super duper serious. If it is ever even going to do that or just trade in silly faces the whole way through. Just take our word for it. Would these faces be this silly if it wasn't hyper ultra rainbow deluxe dramatic?


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