takt op.Destiny #12 — Rocks Fall, Everybody Dies
December 21st, 2021
Oh boy, more eleventh hour flashbacks.
This was about as terrible an ending as I expected, which is to say, exceptionally awful. The last boss was completely invincible with super regeneration, until she wasn't and didn't for no particular reason. The big fight at the end was her just standing there motionlessly while little drones fired lines at random. The big baddie's eleventh hour flashback explaining his motivation was nothing more than "saw despair, despaired, tried to set off apocalypse from despair." And then everybody died from overexertion, but not before taking a solid ten minutes to drag themselves to the most scenic place possible and recount all feelings for each other, no matter how little sense they made or out of character they were for any of them. We are not concerned with coherency or consistency here, only in milking the absolute goddamned hell out of them.
The first episode was a lot of fun. I still stand by that. It then never developed any of the characters, the setting, the story, or anything whatsoever to be honest. Anna never served any point whatsoever and became an absolute mess by the end, but still fares better than all the characters that existed just to get maudlin over killing them off/going into suspended animation forever, which in turn, was a better narrative fate than the one girl who had an entire episode about what rape-bait she was before she was ejected from the show entirely. And then there's the antagonists. Good god, none of them made even the slightest sense. Develop your goddamned characters. A last minute flashback is not development. Death is not the One Simple Trick to a dramatic scene.
Posted in takt op | 1 Comment »
It was pointed out at some point during the middle of the series that Anna’s VA is the same as Destiny’s game VA, which kind of gave away that weird ending there.
Apparently Anna’s entire reason for being is to become Destiny, but then why did we bother with the whole Cosette thing and why not just make Anna Destiny in the first place? Why would Anna even want to be Destiny?
When this show started, I joked about how Destiny looked strikingly like Siesta from Dead Detective, I didn’t think they’d steal the “merge all crushes into the same body” plot, too.p