Moriarty the Patriot #01 — Spoiling the Criminal in the Title
October 4th, 2020
It's extremely unfair for this show to have two nigh identical blonde dudes.
This is a Sunday show, but it doesn't start airing until next Sunday. Again, not digging deeper than the show's official page, which doesn't give any indication of where this episode came from. Good job, guys.
Also, Opening Act's 'first' episode ended up being a pre-air staff-talking-about-it-thing apparently, with the actual episode 1 coming next week. I don't think there are any other Sunday shows, but I'll check back later in case I missed something.
The best part of this episode by a long shot was when the ED kicked in. Not just because it signaled the end of the episode, but because, as befitting for a pointy-chinned pretty boys show, it was goofy boy band pop, and it kicked in over Vigilante Tailor going back to work next to pictures of his avenged kid. Yeah, rocking boy band pop was definitely the perfect music for that scene. In any case, this would fall into the same category as the other shows of the day; things that spoiled their twists ahead of time. Here, it's especially strange because the original is his origin story of committing the perfect crime to worm his way into being a faux Moriarty. This episode, instead, is quite literally titled "The Crime of the Count," and then, shockingly, it turns out that the Count did the crime.
It still misses the point of a who-dunnit, not the least because it tells you before the episode even starts. A propery mystery, or even a procedural, has a story to it. A narrative. A progression of events. The first time we even see the culprit whatsoever is when Moriarity is explaining to him how he knows that he's guilty. Rick and Morty had a gag of 5 second mysteries that were just the mystery being declared and then a dude confessing and handing over the evidence, and I can't help but feel like this is just that, stretched out over 20 minutes. The denouement is the high point of a mystery, so let's make it a third of the episode and skip all the boring stuff on how we get there. Just use some excessively dramatic shots of eyes.
Also, I think the coachman character deserves a special shoutout for having zero lines at all, and just a bunch of indistinct grunting noises. Also, to their weird cropping of filler English text. Cotton goo, eh?
Posted in Moriarty | 3 Comments »
One of the more readable current Jump things but whatever. The IP targets teen boys even if it doesn´t feel like it.
Imagine if someone actually adapted From Hell or The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Imagine…