Ascendance of a Bookworm #01 — Writer’s Block

October 2nd, 2019


Couldn't get past that first page, could we?


Oh, Japan. Only you would think a priest getting a little girl drunk so he can mindrape her and think that this is a great flashforward that will get people interested in your show. Well, perhaps certain people. Anyway, it goes from there into explaining that the premise before the OP plays, at which point we get to see the premise that had just been explained. You'll never guess what follows that, unless, of course, you say that the narrator then repeats the premise a third time, but that's when things really take a turn, because she cuts in an reiterates the premise for a fourth time. We're six goddamned minutes into the episode, a third of which were the OP, and we've had the premise explained by two different narrators four goddamned times. Things would not improve from there.

But don't let the lack of a story, boring characters, and utter disdain for the audience's intelligence distract you from the complete lack of an animation budget. Or maybe do, because the visuals are pretty crap too. It's a rare moment of… I can't quite call it joy, but variation… when it decides to switch to a chibi style so she can overreact to something. It happens I think three times. I think they got someone's kid to draw them, which at least means that someone gave a damn about working on some part of this, even if it was for only about ten total seconds.

Posted in Bookworm | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Bertz says:

    At least it’s not another Isekai anime that about an OP Main Character with the personality trait of a potato or an underdog that gets betrayed or una comedia autoconsciente