Overly Cautious Hero #01 — The Idiot of Many Faces
October 2nd, 2019
Can a comedy survive on nothing but a half-dressed girl making stupid faces?
Perhaps, but I don't think that this is a strong argument for it, probably because when it's not making stupid faces, it's making jokes like "Here's a thirty second bit of exposition. Wait a minute, why am I giving exposition to myself? Anyway, here's more exposition." A lot of the other problem with the non-stupid face jokes is also that, despite the title, the hero is not being overly cautious, and it even ends with a vague probably-to-be-dropped-next-week turn towards seriousness showing that he wasn't being cautious enough. Most of the time, it's the female lead flippantly citing some cliche, getting an appropriatey flat "that sounds stupid and unwise" response, and then doing the overreaction yell-and-make-dumb-face bit. A more appropriate title might be "Overly Excitable Dingus Overreacts to Cliches Being Pointed Out as Stupid," and there ain't no shortage of that in the anime world.
Would I sooner watch this than the pro wrestler thing? Yeah, definitely. But is it also desperately trying to be KonoSuba with a dryer male lead? 150%. All it really adds to that formula, one that's pretty worn to the nubs to begin with, is that the female lead has more energy and more stupid faces. Again, not really sure that's enough, especially when it's bringing possibly less than nothing with its jokes and dialogue, and certainly a major lack of slapstick or other visual flair that things like (the good season of) Milky Holmes or (the good season of) SeiZon had. It had ample chances too. It liked to speculate upon meeting random villagers that they could be monsters in disguise, but as the old adage goes, if you're explaining the joke, the humor is gone. That goes double for when you're explaining the joke that you could have made but decided not to.
Posted in Overly Cautious | 2 Comments »
“Can a comedy survive on nothing but a half-dressed girl making stupid faces?”
Plenty of shows have with less.