Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs #01 — Is It 2004 Again?
July 14th, 2018
Or is this show just two decades too late?
This has the dubious distinction of probably being the least offensive of the shameless fanservice T&A shows thus far, but since the competition has been about a half inch of penetration away from out and out porn, that's probably not saying too much. There is some very basic competence in writing on display here though. It establishes the main two characters and as brief/budget challenged as it is, there is something you could call a climax to the episode involving manning up… before it devolves back into groping and an extended stripping scene.
This strikes me as one of the half billion magical harem 'slapstick' shows from about 15 years ago, showing up now a little too late to capitalize on being a Love Hina clone. Or maybe it's a sign that they're coming back. I consider that sort of a compliment, all things considered, as it puts in a little effort to try to round out the characters and use the fanservice/groping/flashing as punchlines rather than the sole purpose around which all must revolve. Mind you, we're still not aiming high, but nobody had an emotional breakthrough and orgasm from being told someone would be their friend in the middle of attempting to rape them. It's all depressingly relative.
Posted in Haunted Hot Springs | 7 Comments »
Jump really needed to fill their fanservice disaster quota post To-Love but nobody in this series is anywhere near Yami quality, unfortunately.
On the plus side, there’s no gross mikan fanservice equivalent either.