Moment by Moment #05 — “I’m Not Touching You!”
February 4th, 2018
How many episodes are they going to string out fussing with the tree monsters just for curiosity's sake exactly?
This is where we part ways. This show continues to go absolutely nowhere and it hasn't shown the slightest hint that might change. The entire first half was consumed by the thrilling backstory of Cultist D, which turns out to also be the origin story of Monsters C, D, and E. Said origin story is nothing more than "accidentally ended up in timestop land and got stuck." The most 'interesting' part, to be exceedingly generous with the word, was about the third goddamned episode of experimenting to see what the monsters will let you get away with. The rest of the episode was the standard punching of a thug and cliffhanger about oh no, Family Member C may have been stabbed in some part of their body… unless it was Thug J.
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