Clockwork Planet #03 — Blue Balled
April 20th, 2017
Good grief.
I keep waiting for this to have a moment, as ill-defined as I'm aware that is. A climax, I suppose. It has some characters that aren't awful. It has at least a thin veneer of a plot. It has some motions towards action. But it has yet to follow through on any of them to hit an actual high, and after the particularly godawful 'climax' of this episode, it's looking like it never will. There's this big confrontation scene, odds are awful, protagonist backs are up against the wall, big transformation, and then… nothing. Nothing at all. Didn't even have the grace to try to hide it between episodes. Just goes "Welp, here's my special attack name" and that's it. Explosion, and battle won. That's that. Better luck next time, bad guys. Nothing but the traditional waking-up-in-bed-with-the-girlfriend-looking-over-them-to-say-that-they-shouldn't-have-pushed-themselves-so-hard scene remaining. If that's the best that this show is going to have to offer, it's a hard argument to keep tuning in.
Next Episode:
Posted in Clockwork Planet | 2 Comments »
This show should just be about Marie and her robot buddy, the last couple episodes their the only characters I found don’t make me want to projectile vomit, and they don’t subject us to their pseudo-Chobits bullshit.