Machiavellism #03 — Pretzel Sword

April 19th, 2017

That is not how rapiers work at all. That is not how physics works at all.


I believe this is where we part ways, you terrible unanimated bit of nonsense. I think the moment where I had just had enough was the flashback bit where his armless body simply hung in the air as a bunch of fists appeared and disappeared. That's how it chose to animate 'fighting.' I won't say that the criminal lack of understanding of how rapiers work had no part of it either though. No matter how flexible an anything is, it will not curve 180 degrees to poke from behind. In a show about a bunch of imbeciles, half openly begging to be beaten up and raped, and most of the other half being giant-headed transvestites, we'll call that a bridge too far. Probably because they then spent entirely too much time trying to convince the audience that yes, this is totally a thing that is totally in line with physics and totally makes sense. It's easier to swallow the magic explosion touching.

Posted in Machiavellism | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anise_punter says:

    I’d curve something 180 degrees to poke her from behind.

    I didn’t major in physics.

  • Opulent Rag says:

    This was terrible from frame one, so that you gave it a three episode chance is frankly saint-worthy.

    It’s cringey gender politics aside, every single character is unlikable and each one is a tired cliche that needs to be beaten with hammers and have lemon juice poured in the wounds.

    This show could seriously fuck off.