Kabuki Club! #01 — Kabuki-lust is Gender Blind

April 6th, 2017


Oh good. A protagonist with two expressions.


After Clockwork Planet's character stuff, and how miserable most of the characters in shows this season have been, this one's protagonist showed an inkling of excitement over something and I thought to myself… fine, I suppose I can put my money where my mouth is and give this a shot. My mistake. All these bland non-drama dramas staffed with sacks of potatoes somewhat tricked me into forgetting the generic dumbness of the highschool club thing, and especially the boy band thing. Of course, they all have to have some kind of twist. This one's is that one of the boys in the boy band doesn't have a penis. Well, it's debatable if any of them do, but it's a shock to the protagonist that one of the boys he fantasizes about in sparkly daydreams as he gazes longingly at them is a girl. And girls can't do kabuki! Except we're breaking all the rules! The role of sack of potatoes belongs to his morose tagalong.

…In some future episode, since this was just a tour of all the characters and how they all say no, so the rest of the show can be them being recruited and learning the love of kabuki through club activities, mostly by, like this episode, having nothing at all to do with kabuki but everything to do with self esteem and friendship. I'll give it credit for laying out what the story is going to be, and the protagonist being slightly less of a godawful sack than most this season, but there's still no real drama or comedy to be found here, nor was this episode concerned with anything more than running down the character list so they can all declare "I'm the surly boy," "I'm the flamboyant boy," "I'm the girl boy," so I'm calling the genre of this one a mystery. First one to solve the case of "What the hell kind of hook was this supposed to be?" wins a shot upside the head.

Next Episode:

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