Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid #01 — “Please Screencap This”

January 11th, 2017


I should replace the caps with guinea pigs out of protest.


This wasted no time in getting to its first gag, but if you want to measure it, "no time" would be two minutes, including a 30 second explanation of what dragons are. The first gag is saying that the explanation of what dragons are was not correct. Hilarity. I spent about that much time thumbing through the source material, and that's about how much this blandly adapted across twenty minutes. The occasional even slightly potential bit of weirdness that could've been funny are buried under a hundred exchanges like "I could destroy the world." "Don't do that." or "I washed your clothes by licking them." "Don't do that." or "I did something weird." "That is weird." Except for the part where the roles were reversed, truly mixing up the formula.

So not really a sitcom per se, and not convincing me that it wasn't made by molemen who have only a vague notion of what comedy is. It does deliver a lot of what it certainly feels are jokes after the initial two minutes, but bereft of even the barest notion of structure to the episode, they're just an assload of weak non-quips and cutesy faces until the episode comes to an unceremonious end, nothing achieved or established besides explaining the title of the show, and promising only more of the same to come. An inoffensive buzz of nothingness. Already-recycled non-jokes repeated over and over again in a very slightly different packaging. A dragon instead of an android, or cat girl, or alien. Being slightly cutsier and the silly faces not quite as generic as the many, many others of its ilk doesn't address the core problems here. KyoAni being who they are, I'm pretty sure they start with things they think will make shareable screencaps and then fill in the gaps with white noise from there.

Next Episode:

More of the same, plus one more girl.

Posted in Anime | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Germanguy says:

    Perhaps an trying to ride the “Monster Girls” Hype with his own “little” Dragon Maid moe one